On a Fox Business partition, Judge Andrew Napolitano fought that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has enough confirmation against Hillary Clinton to totally look for after and press charges against her for her hostile email shock.
Judge Napolitano, in clear talk, has communicated that it is finally time for Hillary to be indicted and that Jeff Sessions is the man for the action.
What do you think? Do you agree it's long past time to finally consider Hillary in charge of her exercises?
Hillary, it's about time you stand trial for your crimes against America and may you get at least twenty years at hard labor in that big beautiful house in upper New York known as Sing Sing, you are in plain English a lying peace of shit who has done more to harm America than any one I can think of, may you rot you nasty piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteYes, I TOTALY agree with you about that and hope the evil wicked lying Obama goes with her and both dies in GITMO TOGETHER
ReplyDeleteTwo of the worst criminals in politics. Hillary & her wife, Bill. Lock them up!!
ReplyDeletehold clinton accountable.
ReplyDeleteComments from the biggest LIAR, Don't Make Me Laugh. Hillary Clinton Destroyed 30,000 Emails, Had Secret Files on her Illegal Server. Keep Talking, I Will Laugh When President Trump Has You Locked Up!!!
ReplyDeleteStephen looks like Santa Claus, that dyed his hair black...
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above she needs to be Investigated