About a year prior, Paris, France encountered the most exceedingly bad fear assault in history on account of ISIS mental cases. From that day forward, Europe has been completely wrecked and assumed control by displaced people, Islam, and ISIS fear based oppressors stowing away and holding on to do their next assault.
Since the outcast emergency, France has acknowledged 13,000 displaced people, yet numerous specialists contend that number could be a lot higher given that many are sneaking in and out clandestinely. By the by, France has been encountering numerous issues with exiles, and it has prompted authorities apprehensive they will lose their nation.
They are untalented, costing a ton in citizen reserves, they don't work, they are sucking welfare programs dry, and many have been connected to ISIS. French specialists have issued a few alerts that they speculate numerous to have connections to ISIS and are concerned another substantial scale assault is sooner rather than later.
With that, French experts have started to get ready for a "common war" against Muslims so as to "tidy up" their nation, as indicated by unmistakable writer Éric Zemmour, who guarantees a high positioning government source let him know of the arrangement..
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