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WATCH VIDEO: Nicole Kidman Says: Trump Is The Best President In U.S History, We Must Respect Him.

While a ton of Hollywood has spent its political capital in the weeks since the race pouncing upon President-elect Donald Trump and stooping over dynamic President Barack Obama, on-screen character Nicole Kidman has taken a substitute — and totally unexpected — tack. 


In the midst of a gathering this week with BBC News, the "Lion" star, who saw that she attempts to abstain from advancing political articulations, said it's basically time to continue ahead and get on load up. 

"I basically state he's as of now picked," Kidman, an Australian neighborhood with twofold citizenship in the U.S., told BBC. "We as a country need to help whosever the president, since that is what the country relies upon. Moreover, anyway that occurred, he's there and we ought to go." 

Instead of saying something with respect to an explicit contender, like her Tinseltown neighbors are slanted to do, the Establishment Respect victor said she minds significantly more concerning specific issues, not explicit people. 

"I'm commonly reluctant to start commenting politically. I've never done it to the extent America or Australia. I'm issue-based," Kidman said. "[F]or me, I'm to a great degree devoted to women's issues." 
Kidman is in like manner a liberality represetative for Joined Nations Women. "I finish a lot of fund-raising for U.N. Women, and I finish an extensive proportion of going for them," she told the news outlet. 

"I moreover total a colossal proportion of fund-raising for chest and ovarian malady, since that is something that is affected my family significantly," she continued. "So they're my issues that I'm greatly attached to." 

Concerning Australian authoritative issues, her country of cause has been ensnared in a battle about legitimizing gay marriage. In the midst of the sit-down with BBC, Kidman said she supports the approval of gay marriage in her country of source, telling the reporter, "I trust in allowing people who treasure each other to share their lives together." 

"I really believe that we ought to stay out of people's business with that," she included. "I venerate when people treasure one another."  
