Top ISIS pioneer presently accepted to be the number two behind the fear based oppressor association, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani, set up a video this week following the second presidential civil argument requesting that American Muslim voters bolster Hillary Clinton.
The questionable video that was brought around YouTube just hours after it was transferred indicated top ISIS pioneer Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani undermining the individuals who might choose to vote in favor of Donald Trump and calling them "heathens" and "goat f— - ers".
He likewise guaranteed that regardless of whether Hillary was a lady and a "two face fallen angel", had the "appeal of a pig" and was "tricky as the snake", that the Popularity based presidential cheerful was in any event allied with the "partnered nations of the Islamic state, for example, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Supporting the "canine confronted" Trump
Al-alwani likewise cautioned all Muslims not to mess with his admonitions and that supporters of Trump would be seriously rebuffed on earth and in Jannah (existence in the wake of death).
"Trump is a canine, he is the filth of the earth. He gloats that he will take our oil and join Russia, Syria and the Shia Iranians against us in our blessed battle" he included, obviously furious.
"This (canine confronted) sleaze ball must not achieve Washington. Despite the fact that it is just plain wrong to put a sub-par being, for example, a lady into a place of energy, it is the genuine arrangement of Satan to isolate the Muslims of America. It would be messy and danis (soiled) to vote in favor of Trump," he clarified.
Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani has ascended as a noticeable ISIS pioneer figure since coalition powers completed an "exactness strike" last August, effectively focusing on Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, number two of the fear monger association at the time.
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